Legal Services for Corporations
Corporations in present times carry out multitudinous roles and functions that involve a number of operational and legal consequences. The ever increasing legal responsibility necessitates the need to have lawyers of varied specialties and handling different legal functions. Accutor has been providing specialized legal services for over two decades to Corporations, including Fortune 500 companies across various areas of legal practice all under one roof.
Accutor’s Specialist Legal
Services for Corporations
Contract Lifecycle Management: Contract Lifecycle Management largely involves an automated process of managing contracts right from the stage of creation to the execution as well as renewals of contracts . The stages of the lifecycle of Contracts include automated methods to control, co-coordinate and streamline the various stages of Contracts. At Accutor, we have adapted best practices for Contract Lifecycle Management in order to help companies optimize contract performance, mitigate contractual risks and most importantly help reduce litigations and save costs on overheads.
Please see Accutor Contract Management and Legal Services for Corporations
Dispute Resolution
In case of any dispute between the parties or discrepancies arising between them, it can be resolved by resorting to Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods (ADR) such as mediation, negotiation and arbitration. Accutor acts as a Third Party Facilitator for the parties to the dispute, whose responsibility is to facilitate structure and stipulate the manner, venue in which the dispute has to be resolved.
At A Glance
1. Company Registration: Accutor provides assistance for registration for companies including partnership firms, joint stock companies or an LLC.
2. Establishment of trade and partnership with international partners: Corporate compliance, advice on matters relating to tax as per the laws applicable in the respective countries and in accordance with the international law.
3. Immigration and Employment: the team at Accutor is well versed with the immigration, permit and visa formalities required to take up employment in Switzerland